Tuesday, February 23, 2010


This blog post is supposed to be about persuasion, to tie into the literature unit we are going through now. Persuasion is everywhere, all over TV (many people usually watch the Super Bowl just for the commercials), magazines, the Internet, and even in movies (those carefully displayed but still hidden advertisements always seemed out of place to me). It is just impossible to avoid.

Persuasion is not really a technique I use very often. Often when I want something, I'll either buy it with money I have or I will wait until my birthday or Christmas. Most of the items that I receive, like my Stratocaster, my PS3, and my iPod, are rewards for good grades or Christmas. I don't do a lot of persuading to get things. I'm not a very persuasive person anyway, so it's probably better if I don't try. Everything works out better that way anyway.

Persuasion doesn't affect my life too much. I go with the flow of things usually, unless I think something isn't right. I'm also not one of those people who are watching TV at night and have to get up to go order some useless junk that I will not ever use. Not that there is anything wrong with people who do that, I'm just not an impulse buyer and don't see the point.

Well, there's my little opinion about persuasion. If you're reading this and don't agree that I am a persuasive person, please come and persuade me I am wrong.


  1. Almighty Topher doesn't need to persuade people, they do it for him before even he knows he needs something

  2. I believe persuasion has more effect on a person's life than you might think.
